authority to pay

authority to pay
банк. полномочие на совершение платежа* (в контексте банковских расчетов: документ, направляемый покупателем в свой банк и разрешающий другому банку (находящемуся в корреспондентских отношениях с банком-покупателем) осуществить платеж в определенном размере в пользу поставщика (обычно по предъявлении последним переводного векселя, выставленного на банк-корреспондент); схема расчетов в этом случае сходна с расчетами по аккредитивам, но является менее безопасной для поставщика, так как поставщик не получает банковской гарантии платежа)
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разрешение на платеж

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "authority to pay" в других словарях:

  • authority to pay — letter of credit …   Useful english dictionary

  • authority — A government or public agency created to perform a single function or a restricted group of related activities. Usually, such units are financed from service charges, fees, and tolls, but in some instances they also have taxing powers. An… …   Financial and business terms

  • Pay as you throw — (PAYT) (also called trash metering, unit pricing, variable rate pricing, or user pay) is a usage pricing model for disposing of municipal solid waste. Users are charged a rate based on how much waste they present for collection to the… …   Wikipedia

  • pay and file — ˌpay and ˈfile noun [singular] TAX ACCOUNTING a system used in Britain since 1993 for paying corporation tax (= a tax paid by companies on their profits). The company calculates how much tax it owes and pays that amount when it sends the tax… …   Financial and business terms

  • Authority — Au*thor i*ty, n.; pl. {Authorities}. [OE. autorite, auctorite, F. autorit[ e], fr. L. auctoritas, fr. auctor. See {Author}, n.] 1. Legal or rightful power; a right to command or to act; power exercised buy a person in virtue of his office or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • authority — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) I n. expert, pundit, know it all (inf.), maven (inf.). See skill, knowledge, authority. II Right to govern Nouns 1. (supremacy) authority, power, right, jurisdiction, title, prerogative; …   English dictionary for students

  • pay-per-listen — n. A music feature that requires the user to pay a small fee each time they listen to a song, album, or audio stream. Also: pay per listen. Example Citation: Music is content that will flow across that cable content that AT T hopes people will… …   New words

  • pay grade — noun a) A level indicating a base salary (in the US applying to military and government employees). b) Level of authority or responsibility (since pay rate, authority and responsibility generally increase similarly) …   Wiktionary

  • Pay As You Earn - PAYE — A system of income tax withholding that requires employers to deduct income tax, and in some cases, the employee portion of social benefit taxes, from each paycheck delivered to employees. The pay as you earn (PAYE) system requires that employers …   Investment dictionary

  • pay no money to agents — A statement made in rendering a bill. As the expression appears on a bill rendered by a corporation for goods sold, it is the equivalent of a notice not to pay to an unauthorized agent; it is not a notice of limitation on the ostensible authority …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority — MARTA redirects here. For the county bus system in California, see Mountain Area Regional Transit Authority. Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority …   Wikipedia

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